NHS Staff Discount and Gratitude
Discounts offered for all NHS staff to show gratitude for their hard work. The first 3 sessions are £30 as a discount, then regular rate applies afterwards.
Definition – Gratitude is a warm feeling of thankfulness towards an entity, or towards specific individuals. The person who feels gratitude is thankful for what they have, and does not constantly seek more.
I have always been grateful for the NHS service, however since the Covid-19 pandemic I think I recognise more reasons to be grateful. My gratitude is partly due to times when I or someone I love have relied heavily on the services offered. In addition to this, I now feel grateful for the efforts of the NHS to look after those who fall ill with Covid-19.
It can be very easy to take services like the NHS for granted or criticise wait times, however I wonder where we would be without the service. I am also grateful for a society which values the health of all vs only the ones who can afford.
For this reason, I would like to show my gratitude by offering a reduced rate for counselling sessions for anyone working for the NHS.
Gratitude is very important in our lives as humans. There are many ways to show gratitude, such as;
- saying “Thank you”
- listening with intent to others
- give of your time (as time is very precious)
Does it serve a purpose? Simply put YES
What benefit is there to being grateful? Many
- Lights up the brain’s reward pathways
- Lessens Anxiety and Depression symptoms
- Shifts the heart rhythm
- Increases heart rate variability
- Increases resilience
- Increases empathy & compassion
- Increases social connection
- improves physical health
These points are explained in further detail in the diagram below from gratefully made available by Awesomendsin.me

When making an appointment please mention that you work for the NHS and you will receive a £20 discount making sessions £30 instead of £50.
Click here to get in touch.